Hale Eagles FOE#4217 Current Events
Monday, August 15
Madonna’s Gyro Sandwich
5-6:30 pm or til gone
Saturday, August 20
Noon until ?
Plan ahead- 5th annual OUTDOOR BAR-B-Q & Party
Live entertainment 3-7 pm
Drink specials, dunk tank, jello shots, and more.
Open club license, bring a friend or neighbor. Check club newsletter for more info.
Co-Chairs: Tommy Chitren & Mike Stanczyk
July Events
Saturday, July 9th
Hospice for Veteran’s Riders will be making a short stop at our club
Open to the public
Smokin’ Joe’s Burgers & Fries
3-7 pm
Jackie’s Ice Cream Cones
3-7pm or gone
Thursday, July 14
Taco Dinner- Edible Bowl- Taco Salad, Dessert
Scratch off tickets, Raffle
Saturday, July 23
50+ Meet and Greet Singles Dance
7:30-10:30 pm singles only
$5.00 members, $7.00 non-members
DJ Ms. Karen
Every Monday Night
Queen of Diamonds Drawing 7pm
Dinner specials- Check Club Calendar for Menu
Fish Fry
Perch, Cod, Shrimp or Chicken Tenders, Wings (they’re back)
Meals include one trip to the soup and Salad bar, roll and condiments.
Free Coffee
Euchre Wednesdays
Tournament style - Everyone Welcome
Sign up 6:00p - Game Starts At 6:30 pm
Bring a snack
Doors open 4pm
Bingo Kitchen open
Bingo Starts at 6pm
Newsletter Deadline 20th of each month. If you want information in the newsletter, fill out a newsletter form (forms are located by restrooms) or email me: neema@centurytel.net
If you have an event that needs to be placed on the web page prior to the newsletter deadline, please send an email to: rhouthoofd1@yahoo.com
or call Roger at 989-257-3136989-257-3136
Roger Houthoofd, Aerie Webmaster